On going Projects


April 5 2023 to March 11, 2024 the Muskowekwan Historical Site Advisory Group (MHSAG) has had 16 meetings with attendance of anywhere from 25 to 97 people including the MHSAC members and community members and elders. These meeting were held to provide updates on the activities and to obtain input, advice and recommendations from membership. Sessions also include community engagement for planning sessions. A gathering to honour all formal student residents was held on September 30, 2023, which was attended by 360 members from Muskowekwan and other nations.

  • Spring and Summer 2024, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) work will continue with the help of the U of S to:
  • Identify possible unmarked graves near historical site and determine the area to be fenced off.
  • Additional GPR survey areas include old cemetery on the hill and an area near M Wolfe residence.

April 5 2023 to March 11, 2024 the Muskowekwan Historical Site Advisory Group (MHSAG) has had 16 meetings with attendance of anywhere from 25 to 97 people including the MHSAC members and community members and elders. These meeting were held to provide updates on the activities and to obtain input, advice and recommendations from membership. Sessions also include community engagement for planning sessions. A gathering to honour all formal student residents was held on September 30, 2023, which was attended by 360 members from Muskowekwan and other nations.

  • Spring and Summer 2024, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) work will continue with the help of the U of S to:
  • Identify possible unmarked graves near historical site and determine the area to be fenced off.
  • Additional GPR survey areas include old cemetery on the hill and an area near M Wolfe residence.
Muskowekwan Historical Site Gathering 2024

We are honored to announce the Muskowekwan Historical Site Gathering 2024, a significant event dedicated to “Honouring our Past, Present, and Future.” This gathering will take place on September 23 and 24, 2024 at the Prairieland Park Trade Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This special event aims to bring together survivors and former students of the Muskowekwan

Oral History Preservation

Book with Anaquod Video
Begin Oral History Presentation February and March 2024 monthly meetings with group members

Spring Feast (Scheduled April 3, 2024)

Committed to hosting 3 more feasts in April for each year 2025, 2026, and 2027

Begin Planning for Gathering (Spring/Summer 2024)

establish a planning meeting with Parks Canada
initiate engagement of the 7 First Nations

Initiative to Address former Residential School buildings on Reserve – Indigenous Services Canada

Develop 5 year plan – once engineering, architect and technical expertise assessment is complete – follow up needed March 15, 2024

National Healing Forest

Contribute to healing and reconciliation
Initial meeting set up discuss Healing Garden

APTN – Treaty Road – Completed January 2023

Episode 4 will be aired in Spring/Fall of 2024
Will be shared on the Historical Site webpage

Video Project – Completed March 2024

MFN has partnered with Parks Canada to create a video in English, Nakawewin and French

Gathering and Conferences

Remembering The Children Conference -NCTR- October 23-25, 2022
Panel speakers invitation to present on National Platform

Research- Historical Records – Ongoing Project

Phase 1 research completed in 2022 and 2023 – Manitoba Archives, St. Boniface, Federal Archives, TRC Records, Hudson Bay Archives, Regina Records and Provincial Archives, SK

Windows, Doors and Fencing

Meet with Brook McIlroy after their work plan schedule is complete for 2024 – PES or LFD for programming

Historical Site Development Project

Assess feasibility of asbestos clean-up

Residential School Missing Children – Community Support

Proposal submitted to CIRNAC December 2022-Approved
May 2024, Project Coordinator hired for term position

Anishnabek Worldview and Cultural Teachings

Proposal developed, submitted and approved (NIB)
February 12, 2024 – Anishnabek Teachings

Memorialization Project Works

Monument Project work
March 2023 Indigenous Stoneworks was chosen to create the monument.

Conservation Project (Parks Canada)

January 2024 – Tender awarded to Brook McIlroy for Architecture Services.

GPR Project Work

2024- GPR work on-going October 2022, August 2023
Mapping 2021 and 2022 and January 2024


On going Projects

Muskowekwan Historical Site Gathering 2024

We are honored to announce the Muskowekwan Historical Site Gathering 2024, a significant event dedicated to “Honouring our Past, Present, and Future.” This gathering will take place on September 23 and 24, 2024 at the Prairieland Park Trade Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This special event aims to bring together survivors and former students of the Muskowekwan […]

Oral History Preservation

Book with Anaquod Video
Begin Oral History Presentation February and March 2024 monthly meetings with group members

Spring Feast (Scheduled April 3, 2024)

Committed to hosting 3 more feasts in April for each year 2025, 2026, and 2027

Begin Planning for Gathering (Spring/Summer 2024)

establish a planning meeting with Parks Canada
initiate engagement of the 7 First Nations

Initiative to Address former Residential School buildings on Reserve – Indigenous Services Canada

Develop 5 year plan – once engineering, architect and technical expertise assessment is complete – follow up needed March 15, 2024

National Healing Forest

Contribute to healing and reconciliation
Initial meeting set up discuss Healing Garden

APTN – Treaty Road – Completed January 2023

Episode 4 will be aired in Spring/Fall of 2024
Will be shared on the Historical Site webpage

Video Project – Completed March 2024

MFN has partnered with Parks Canada to create a video in English, Nakawewin and French

Gathering and Conferences

Remembering The Children Conference -NCTR- October 23-25, 2022
Panel speakers invitation to present on National Platform

Research- Historical Records – Ongoing Project

Phase 1 research completed in 2022 and 2023 – Manitoba Archives, St. Boniface, Federal Archives, TRC Records, Hudson Bay Archives, Regina Records and Provincial Archives, SK

Windows, Doors and Fencing

Meet with Brook McIlroy after their work plan schedule is complete for 2024 – PES or LFD for programming

Historical Site Development Project

Assess feasibility of asbestos clean-up

Residential School Missing Children – Community Support

Proposal submitted to CIRNAC December 2022-Approved
May 2024, Project Coordinator hired for term position

Anishnabek Worldview and Cultural Teachings

Proposal developed, submitted and approved (NIB)
February 12, 2024 – Anishnabek Teachings

Memorialization Project Works

Monument Project work
March 2023 Indigenous Stoneworks was chosen to create the monument.

Conservation Project (Parks Canada)

January 2024 – Tender awarded to Brook McIlroy for Architecture Services.

GPR Project Work

2024- GPR work on-going October 2022, August 2023
Mapping 2021 and 2022 and January 2024